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Currency Converter

Online currency converter: use updated currency exchange rates to convert between different currencies including dollar, euro, pound, etc..
Input the amount you would like to convert, select the currencies, click the "Convert" button, and the result will appear on the above of this area.
Exchange rates at 1/21/2025 4:23 pm ET

From this currency:

To this currency:

To this currency:

Currency NameCurrency CodeCurrency Symbol
United States DollarUSD$
Japanese YenJPY¥
British PoundGBP£
Canadian DollarCAD$
Australian DollarAUD$
Hong Kong DollarHKD$
Swiss FrancCHFFr
Brazilian RealBRLR$
Chinese YuanCNY or RMB¥
Indian RupeeINRRs
Indonesian RupiahIDRRp
Korean WonKRW
Mexican PesoMXN$
Russian RoubleRUBруб.
Taiwan DollarTWD$
Turkish LiraTRYTL
Iran RialIRR